stretch and challenge ofsted

'Excellent . Ofsted - Excellence in English Good-quality oral work engages pupils, including boys and pupils who might otherwise take little interest, and yields benefits in all areas of English. . Theyll give you apersonalisedtour of the software, show you how OneFile can benefit you, and answer any questions you have. Maybe occasionally, this approach should be used, but my advice is to avoid where possible. Book Now ($74.35) The teaching assistants role needs to be clearly defined. Introduction. Identify clear learning objectives and specify how students will be taught and assessed. We sometimes forget that learning is hard work, particularly the thinking part. Extra Challenges: Things you build into an overall scheme . You are signalling to students that youve made a decision that only a few can reach the top. View other students as resources too; group work can prove a nightmare in the classroom if time is not given for students to learn how to operate effectively in a group they wont just be able to work together naturally. Whatever they are, make sure theyre personal to each learner. View all posts by NQTtoptips, Your email address will not be published. Stretch and Challenge are concepts which occur with increasing frequency in Ofsted and Estyn reports. Following an intensive 2-day internal CPD event at one outstanding school, I asked the teaching staff to complete a survey; the number one area that they requested more input on was stretch and challenge. These resources may include worked examples, literacy scaffolds or graphic organisers. Asking students to elaborate in different ways about the curriculum content can be equally as impactful. and, yes, I'm talking quietly because everyone else is asleep. One such way I'l share here. Learning Outcomes. They give employers validation that their, During the initial assessment, you can find out the learners prior learning not just against English and, , but against all the KSBs in the standard. If students dont respond to our feedback, then whats the point in marking their work? 1. It seems the moment I use specific tasks to define challenge I have to abandon any non-subject specific description of high challenge. wants to see that all learners have been stretched and challenged to achieve ambitious targets so set them! NHS apprenticeships: an interview with Lucy Hunte, HEE, Level 2 apprenticeships are key to social mobility. Take on a different perspective that they are not necessarily comfortable with. Top Revision Tips: 10 ideas for the classroom, The Knight in Shining Armour: coming to the rescue, Blue Peter Heres one I Prepared Earlier: pre-digested resources, Negator of Challenge: over simplifying and over scaffolding, Accepting the first response too readily and not grilling students, Life Support Machine: creating need not independence, The nodding dog: over praising and giving approval too readily, Have a starter that students can be doing from the moment that they enter the room to ensure a prompt start to the lesson, Use homework to prepare students for the learning in the lesson, Prepare learning resources that students can use independently without reliance on you, Set a strict time limit for speaking to the class. Combining these two techniques, the teachers expectations of the students is that a student has not finished until their response is 100 per cent accurate and they have developed their thinking using academic vocabulary and a range of examples. Stretch & Challenge! 3) Provide local examples of those benefits? Don't aim for pain. school of professional studies acceptance rate duplexes for rent in lebanon, mo duplexes for rent in lebanon, mo Our Literary Society is an invite-only club for adventurous and keen readers in Years 8 and 9, designed to stretch and challenge students who have demonstrated an interest in literature. Yet what isnt as well promoted is that feedback can also have a negative impact on students. To get over the problem of setting homework for homeworks sake, an alternative is to create a Homework Challenge Bank featuring a range of tasks that require students to consolidate and master key concepts and apply their knowledge in different contexts. Try to focus on progress for learners across time and not just pushing every learner in every lesson. The learning objectives can be seen as a compass (giving the task direction) whilst the challenge activities are carefully mapped out to cater for the broad ability spectrum. Stretch and Challenge More Able Children in the Early Years Foundation Stage Support and challenge the most able children within your early years practice. Ofsted aims to improve lives by raising standards in education and children's social care. If students know that they are expected to complete a set number of the homework challenges by the end of the topic, then this stops the arbitrary setting of homework at inconvenient times. Effectively incorporating choice means setting the bar high and expecting all students to produce excellent work but acknowledging the route to producing this work may be different depending on the students needs. As well as Marzano and Pickerings work, Doug Lemov in Teach Like A Champion has introduced two strategies that raise the language demands of students: Right is Right and Stretch It. A classroom where stretch and challenge is embedded is one where students know the standard they are aiming for, actively seek out feedback to reach that standard, and have the tools to move their own learning forward by using this feedback to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding. Why Stretch and Challenge Activities are Crucial for More Able or High Potential Pupils. Begin by providing a description of the word before asking students to create their own description and example in their own words. First, only a handful of students are forced to participate those that are chosen by the teacher. Routines/Habits: The things you do all the time, in every lesson. Recent work by Carol Dweck on Growth Mindsets supports such conclusions with an emphasis on providing high challenge and positive, specific feedback. Having to have superior writing skills might act as a barrier for embracing a stretch and challenge for all policy. RPL Funding Calculator Through advice and Q&A sessions, our speakers will provide you with the tools needed to do this and confidently tackle the challenges that can arise inside and outside the classroom. We have seen many schools create assessment procedures that put the student's cognitive abilities at stage centre. Information for universities, Terms First of all, lets be absolutely clear: differentiated learning outcomes must be removed from all classrooms if a stretch and challenge model is to be embedded into everyday practice. Set your Intention to stretch: "I will [Stretch] at [TIME] in [LOCATION].". UX Research Programme Linked to this, they will need to be taught to think in specific ways so that, when they face difficulties, they can draw upon subject-specific strategies and questions to ask themselves to help them select the right domain of knowledge to complete a task.Where a student has access to support from a teaching assistant, it is vital that the student doesnt fall into the trap of learned helplessness. critical thinking Provide an even greater degree of stretch and challenge for the m ost able disadvantaged pupils . Youll need to find a way to measure the progression of learning, so you know when theyre ready for that extra push. Things may have changed since then, so this research is to be used at the reader's discretion. In the Third Edition of 'Teaching Today' Geoff Petty (2004) there is an appendix which summarises differentiation . They give apprentices the opportunity to take their learning further and get the highest grade they possibly can. A note of caution: sometimes students are given homework tasks that seem challenging because they require students to work independently on a project over an extended period of time. Stretch and Challenge | CLF Conference. Instant access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, podcasts and more. Revisiting concepts such as the zone of proximal development helps us reframe learning experiences and seek out opportunities for deeper thinking. It is probably true that consistently, deliberately and purposefully pitching learning just beyond a child's present ability, that point between confusion and boredom, is perhaps the hardest part of teaching. Challenge activities don't have to always involve writing. Prof Wiliam examines the importance of success criteria and pre-flight checklists in Embedding Formative Assessment. Professor Dylan Wiliam, in his book Embedding Formative Assessment, explains that students sharing, clarifying and understanding learning intentions is a key part of assessment for learning; those students who have a clear picture of their learning journey are more able to reflect on their progress over time and take responsibility for knowing how to move forward. Introduction. In this approach, the childs thinking is developed through the use of a serve and return conversation in which open-ended questions are asked to build understanding. Top 6 Maths Challenges For Primary School Pupils. Thanks for taking the time to complete this form, submit the form to get the tool. Your email address will not be published. This is an exciting opportunity for an exceptionally talented colleague to join our vibrant and ambitious school as a Leader of Geography. We want every pupil to go beyond their current understanding and where possible, adopt threshold concepts, the type of thinking that changes the way you view the world forever. Students are notoriously bad at acting upon the feedback given to them by their teachers. Encourage your high attainers to read widely around a subject outside of lesson time by providing them with information about suitable materials. Its often the last thing we think about after weve planned our lessons. 2. Rather than setting a limit on what we think students can do by creating differentiated criteria, give all students the same criteria but make explicit to them how meeting the criteria becomes progressively more demanding. Second, it is the teacher who holds all of the power because they are the ones initiating the questions and deciding on the direction of the discussion. The awarding bodies were given guidance that 'stretch and challenge' questions should: use a variety of stems in questions - for example analyse, evaluate, discuss, compare - To go one step further, the graphic organisers included in the membership are an engaging tool for adding shape to your pupils thinking. For example, if we take the Roman topic, can a pupil: 1) Identify what the Romans have done for us? Robin Alexander, in his book Towards Dialogic Teaching, highlights the over-reliance on IRF (initiation-response-feedback) in the British classroom. Moreover, for deep learning experiences to occur and be stored in their long-term memory, they need to be exposed to the information at least three times in different formats. Discuss economic-related affairs at home; encourage your son or daughter to watch 15-20 minutes of news every day to keep abreast of political, social, economic and world affairs. In . At times, their level of knowledge or skill might outpace yours. Schools are still not doing enough to ensure the most able children fulfil their potential, an Ofsted survey has found. Students respond earnestly and with great interest and enthusiasm. Talk happens in all English lessons but it is not always well-structured or taught explicitly. However, if you stay resolute and communicate with students the changes you are making and the benefits these changes will bring, they will end up appreciating your high expectations of what they can achieve.Debbie Light is an advanced skills teacher and a deputy head in a London secondary school. The tasks that push pupils vary enormously by subject. Stretch and Challenge sounds punitive and confrontational - when it should sound and feel more like 'Encourage and . Liked by Ellie Stretch. Teachers must think carefully about how a task is scaffolded and carefully selecting resources so all students can access the most challenging work. Using visuals to accompany the word as a memory cue helps students to remember the work. If you introduce grading at the right time, it could be a powerful motivator to stretch and challenge learners. Sometimes they will teach themselves new skills without any direct teacher input for instance using YouTube to learn a language that is not on offer at school. When apprentices are progressing nicely through theirprogramme, let them know about the different grades they could achieve atEPA pass, merit, distinction. Since academic vocabulary knowledge is at the heart of being a good speaker, reader and writer, it is important that teachers dedicate enough time to explicitly teaching academic vocabulary in their subject areas to challenge students to express themselves with confidence.Robert Marzano and Debra Pickerings book, Building Academic Vocabulary, shares a structured approach to teaching academic vocabulary. This by default means that everyone in the class is challenged. Where a learner has extensive prior knowledge of a topic, ask if they would like to present some of the knowledge they have to the class this can help build confidence and presentational skills. This cycle is repeated several times with different students. To get over the problem of setting homework for homeworks sake, an alternative is to create a Homework Challenge Bank featuring a range of tasks that require students to consolidate and master key concepts and apply their knowledge in different contexts. With the Learning Hub, apprentices can evaluate their learning and rate their understanding as they progress giving you the insight you need to set stretch and challenge tasks. Ask any teacher what they want from their students and nearly all of them will say I want them to be more independent. stretch and challenge ofsted 14 Jun.

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stretch and challenge ofsted