iranian military exemption card

Under 8 CFR 214.2, H-2A and H-2B petitions may generally only be approved for nationals of countries that the Secretary of Homeland Security has designated as participating countries. Human Rights Watch adds that gay and transgender Iranians who are exempted from military service "are not immune from harassment and abuse" and that doctors have reportedly pressured gay men seeking exemption to apply for exemption as transsexuals instead (Dec. 2010, 25). 7 Nov. 2013). Public Relations: (+9821)66709666 UkraineAlert sources analysis and commentary from a wide-array of thought-leaders, politicians, experts, and activists from Ukraine and the global community. According to the most recent resolutions, foreign resident draftees who have left the country before the date 29/12/1382 [19 March 2004, and whom after entering their 13 years of age, have been living abroad for a minimum of 2 years (as substantiated through presentation of relevant exit and entry stamps as placed in the applicant's passport by Iranian border guards and officials), were eligible for buying themselves out of Military Duty and thereby obtaining an Exemption card, upon paying the sum of 100,000,000 Rials [US$3,000], rRegardless of academic documents, or period of absence from service. Information and instructions are available online at: Internet sites, including: Amnesty International;; Iran - Islamic Parliament of Iran, Iranian Police, National Portal for Iran, Office of the Supreme Leader Sayyid Ali Khamenei, Presidency Website; Iran Data Portal; Hein Online; Legislationline; Small Media; United Nations - Refworld. 22 hours ago, AmirNL said: . Depending on their field, those with higher education can end up with higher-status duties. The conscript military service obligation is 18-24 months. number of entries, and validity period for visas issued to applicants from this country*/area of authority. The decision to encourage women to join in the military effort may indicate an increasing demand for personnel or an effort to gain increased popu lar support for the Revolution. Older cards include detailed biographical information such as blood type, hair color, weight, height, eye color, physical defects, and sometimes level of education. The estimated force level of the regular army increased from 325,000 in 2001 to 350,000 in 2007, a level which continued throught 2019. Comments:In Tehran, each church of a minority religion has several notaries assigned to it, while there are at least one hundred notaries assigned to record Muslim marriages and divorces. IranSource The original version of this document may be found on the offical website of the IRB at, Last Updated: Tuesday, 28 February 2023, 15:25 GMT, 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, 1954 Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons, 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, Iran : information sur le service militaire, y compris sur l'ge du recrutement, la dure du service, les motifs d'exemption, la possibilit d'effectuer un service de remplacement et le traitement rserv par les autorits aux personnes qui refusent de faire leur service militaire; information indiquant si des sanctions sont imposes aux objecteurs de conscience, Military service / Conscientious objection / Desertion / Draft evasion / Forced conscription, Persecution on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. Sina Azodi and Mohsen Solhdoost. have valid temporary resident status in Canada. General Kamali, the chief conscription officer of the armed forces, stated 19 December 2013 that "many exemptions, deductions and options to pay to avoid military service will be removed" in the "following year". Further and corroborating information could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within the time constraints of this Response. General Kamali reportedly added that "for those who live outside of the country, the option of paying off military service had been cancelled earlier this year. 2014], United Kingdom (UK). Shortly afterwards, the Iranian lesbian and transgender network 6Rang (Six Colours) named the victim as 20-year-old Ali Fazeli Monfared, known as Alireza. Email:, Document Name:Shenasnameh (Birth certificate or identity certificate), Issuing Authority:National Organization of Civil Registration. Applicants of Iranian, Iraqi, Libyan, Somalian, Sudanese, Syrian or Yemeni nationality, who have a permanent resident or refugee status in Canada/Mexico, may not be accorded Canadian/Mexican reciprocity, even when applying in Canada/Mexico. Iran now has a largely conscripted force with limited military training and little combat experience. International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR). 2014)]. #ga-ad {display: none;} After the bitter experience of the Donald Trump administrations Muslim ban, subsequent withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, and maximum pressure campaign, easing restrictions on the immigration of innocent Iranians, who had no choice about serving in the IRGC, could be a collateral benefit of restoring the JCPOA. The first compulsory military service bill was passed ninety-six years ago, during the reign of Reza Shah Pahlavi. Irans Bureau of Affairs Concerning Documents maintains a record of the location, name, number, specimen of signature, and seal of each notary who is expected periodically to advise the Bureau of the number of marriages and divorces that have been registered. 2014], Denmark and Norway. N.d.a. On 30 June 2009, Press TV, Iran's first international news network that broadcasts in English (Press TV n.d.), reported that a bill, which was to be enforced in 2011, would reduce military service by 2 to 10 months for conscripts with university degrees (Press TV 30 June 2009). According to the IHRDC, "in general males are expected to serve for a period of 20 months" and "[f]or service in impoverished areas, the duration can last 24 months while service in boundary areas can last 22 months" (7 Nov. 2013). N.d. "Iranian Youth Studying Abroad Can Apply for Reduced Military Service." Special Seal(s) / Color / Format:All service cards show national ID number, given name, surname, fathers name, date of birth (Persian), dates of service, card issuance date, rank, photo, and contain a chip. Certified Copies Available:Not available. 20-07-2019 12:07:30 ZULU, The Iranian Military Under the Islamic Republic, IRAN'S GROUND FORCES: MORALE AND MANPOWER. 1- They must have been exited the country before 1382/12/29. 8. The first compulsory military service bill was passed ninety-six years ago, during the reign of Reza Shah Pahlavi. Alternate Documents:There are no alternate documents. : 2161 January 2009. Of the three services, the air force fared best in this respect, as it had always done. (US 26 Feb. 2014). Procedure for Obtaining:Apply at local registration office. Follow him on Twitter@Azodiac83. A computer engineer would serve as a computer operator and so on. [Accessed 28 Mar. In Iran's military protocol, homosexuality is defined as a type of mental abnormality, and more specifics are . Document Name:Sanad-e Talagh (Divorce Certificate). General Musa Kamali, the Vice Commander of the Headquarters for Human Resources of the Iranian Armed Forces, was quoted as saying that "the duration of military service is 18 months in combat and in insecure regions, 19 months in the regions which are deprived of facilities and have bad weather conditions, 21 months in other places, and 24 months in government offices" ( Iranian Students' News Agency (ISNA), 26 December 2013). Sina Azodi. The IHRDC reports on doctors who have written letters to the Military Service Office indicating that the individual seeking a military exemption based on sexual preference needed "sex-reassignment surgery" (IHRDC 19 June 2013). However, it is likely that the Majlis may reconsider the proposal to help the military meet its budgetary requirements for next year, Mr. Dehghani said. I am from Iranian descent and I left/ fled Iran about 10 years ago when I was around 20 years old. Moreover, all exemptions, except for physical disabilities, were only for five years. Since a temporary marriage would not be valid for immigration purposes, the applicant should be processed for visa purposes as though unmarried. Q-2 (principal) and Q-3 (dependent) visa categories are in existence as a result of the 'Irish Peace Process Cultural and Training Program Act of 1998'. Similarly, in a November 2013 article published by the Iran Human Rights Documentation Centre (IHRDC), a Connecticut-based independent non-profit organization composed of scholars and lawyers working to provide a "historical record" of human rights issues in Iran (IHRDC n.d.), military service "begins" at 18 (ibid. Allowing such people to travel to the United States can also be an effective tool to counter the propaganda of the Islamic Republic, which positions the US as the enemy of Iranians. [Accessed 14 Mar. Ben Piven. By If you live in United States, please visit the official website of the Interests Section of the Islamic Republic of Iran for complete list of forms and fees to obtain civil documents. You'll also get priority processing on your application. [Accessed 20 Mar. Issuing Authority:National Organization of Registration of Documents and Property (Sazman-e Sabt-e Asnad va Amlak-e Keshvar). Sources report on cases of sexual minorities being exempted from military service based on Article 33 of the army's medical exemption regulations (IHRDC 19 June 2013; Human Rights Watch Dec. 2010, 24). [Accessed 14 Mar. Lawyers, for example, may work as the equivalent of a US military judge advocate general, investigating crimes committed by service members. Indeed, it can be argued that only a small minority of IRGC members, particularly those who served in the elite Quds Forcethe Guards external armparticipate in acts that might be characterized as terrorism or support for terrorism in countries such as Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Lebanon. It was commented that young dissatisfied individuals could be perceived as a potential source of unrest by the authorities. Human Rights Watch reports that "several individuals who had received exemptions based on their sexual orientation" faced discrimination in employment, "because their identification cards stated the reasons for their exemption as 'behavioural disorders' such as 'sexual deviancy'" (Dec. 2010, 24). Sources indicate that the duration of compulsory military service ranges from 18 to 24 months (BBC 26 Dec. 2013; Al-Monitor 19 Dec. 2013). "Shamsi to Gregorian Converter." 2- They must have lived at least 2 years in the foreign country. [Accessed 25 Mar. Visa Classification: The type of nonimmigrant visa you are applying for. I am wondering if the military record is a requirement docume. For those who live in the country, paying to avoid military service has not always been offered" (Al-Monitor 19 Dec. 2013). However, Al Jazeera indicates that the recruitment age is 19 (Al Jazeera 24 Apr. According to the US CIA World Factbook, recruitment age for the Law Enforcement Forces is 17 (ibid.). Many applicants also submit titles and deeds to apartments and property. "Witness Statement of Milad." This website or its third-party tools use cookies, which are necessary for its functioning and required to achieve the purposes illustrated in the cookie policy. According to the IHRDC, Article 33, paragraph 8 of the regulatory code that governs medical exemptions from military service notes that "'moral and sexual deviancy, such as transsexuality'" is considered to be grounds for a medical exemption (19 June 2013). Iran's 1986 population of approximately 48.2 million (including approximately 2.6 million refugees) gave the armed forces a large pool from which to fill its manpower needs, despite the existence . I was a 19-year-old high school graduate when I was ordered to report at 4 am to the headquarters of the Law Enforcement Department of the Draft in downtown Tehran. 19 June 2013. Sina Azodi. Expansion and Clarification of Export Controls Targeting Russia and Belarus. Original and photocopy of the Certificate of Completion of Military Service or Exemption from Service, or filling out Form#104 for granting permission to exit once . 2014], Al-Monitor. I waited for two long hours until several officers arrived from the Artesh (regular military), Iranian Ground Forces, Air Force (IRIAF), Law Enforcement Forces (Prisons Branch), and Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Navy (IRGC-N). Some indicate why the cardholder was exempted from military service. Newspapers had carried reports of people caught trying to buy their way out of military service, at an unofficial figure of about US$8,000 for forged exemption documents. However, when a Baha'i marries a person from any other religion, the identity documents may not indicate the marriage. 26 September 2013. 2014], _____. 30 June 2013. Draft evaders were subject to arrest, trial before a military court, and imprisonment for a maximum of two years after serving the required two years of active duty. Sina Azodi and Ali Dadpay. "Compensated Living Kidney Donation in Iran: Donor's Attitude and Short-Term Follow-up." However, unlike their government, which has hostile relations with the United States, many of these draftees yearn to pursue a better life in the US and fulfill their dreams. After completing basic training outside of Semnan Air Defense Base, I received some mediocre training as a member of the military police and mostly did office work. The 1955 U.S.-Iran Treaty of Amity, Economic Relations, and Consular Rights is now terminated. No S visa may be issued without first obtaining the Department's authorization. 2023 Atlantic Council

Australian Solicitors' Conduct Rules Commentary, Articles I

iranian military exemption card